My students and I participate in an online community called Artsonia. Artsonia is the largest online kids’ art museum. It displays student artwork and student artist statements, ranks schools in the state and nation, and provides a fundraising opportunity to all schools. Currently, and for the last two years, we have been ranked 1st among all middle schools in the state of Pennsylvania. Ranking, which changes daily, is based on total number of artwork uploaded, fan club members, comments, and artist statements. Currently, my digital art students use our learning management system, Schoology, in combination with the Artsonia classroom web application, to upload their own artwork and add mini artist statements about each piece of art created in class and outside of class. Artsonia has become an amazing resource for my classroom.
This year I have added an exciting new element to our artwork display for all students and created QR code T-shirts for 60 students. Using the URL for his or her own unique page on Artsonia, each student has created a QR code to direct people to his or her site to view artwork, artist statements and comments people have made about submitted work. We then took their QR codes and made labels for display on all of the artwork in the building. Taking this one exciting step forward, we created T-shirt transfers for each student in digital art. Students are able to walk around school wearing their QR code T-shirts that direct people to their personal Artsonia sites. My goal is to increase the content, connection, and use of my school’s online art museum. As the project is ongoing and the students continue to wear their shirts and interact by scanning each other, viewing, engaging, and contributing to each other’s galleries, I see the excitement of our online art museum growing exponentially. Perhaps the next step would be creating a t-shirt to connect every student in my school!
Students used a discussion board on our Schoology Course to talk about their thoughts about the project!
Gary (8th Grade)
You can do it, too! Sign up for free now at
"My feeling on the qr code was awesome and cool. First awesome, I thought it was awesome because not everyone gets to do it so it makes me feel special. Now cool, I thought it was cool because if I were wearing it in public and people see it they might scan it and see all the "awesome" art work that I made and might join the fan club or something! So in conclusion I think the qr code on our t-shirt was awesome and cool!"